Below are words of encouragement from my friends and supporters.
I have known Howard for several years and have spent hours with him in Bible study. I believe he is a commited believer and student of God's Word. I believe he has a sincere vision of what God has called him to regarding the unity of the Church. I endorse him and his vision about what he believes God has called him to.
Russ Martin
Hi Howard,
Thanks for persevering! You will need a lot of that in this task.
First, I'm not a church leader in any sense now, I'm just an ordinary member of the congregation. So I wouldn't be commending the project from any official capacity.
Unity is always to be desired, and worked towards. Likewise for prayer!
So I think this is a great idea and pray for God's blessing for both this idea and your family. Please say Hi to Terhi for us.
Dear Howard,
Thank you for giving a detailed explanation of what the Lord has put in your heart to do. I support you in this huge step the Lord is leading you to take and I will be praying for you as you seek His guidance in making this vision into a realisation. Do keep me updated in the progress.
J.L., Philippines
Russ Martin
Hi Howard,
Thanks for persevering! You will need a lot of that in this task.
First, I'm not a church leader in any sense now, I'm just an ordinary member of the congregation. So I wouldn't be commending the project from any official capacity.
Unity is always to be desired, and worked towards. Likewise for prayer!
So I think this is a great idea and pray for God's blessing for both this idea and your family. Please say Hi to Terhi for us.
Dear Howard,
Thank you for giving a detailed explanation of what the Lord has put in your heart to do. I support you in this huge step the Lord is leading you to take and I will be praying for you as you seek His guidance in making this vision into a realisation. Do keep me updated in the progress.
J.L., Philippines
To whom it may concern,
I know Howard Johnson over 25 years. We prayed together and asked God for many miracles in the Arabian peninsula where Howard together with Terhi served the Lord with his profession. Howard is a man after God’s heart. He has a heart to serve GOD and do what is in HIS eyes right. He is honest and trustworthy in any way. Also he is not narrow minded in denominations, has a big heart to work with different denominations and Christ followers. Howard has a servant attitude and it was great to work with him and his wife in the Gulf. I wish we could do ministries together in the near future. Be Blessed in Christ H.S. It's great to hear from you and read of your vision of a universal group of church leaders convening to intercede with the Lord for more unity (not uniformity!) amongst Christian believers. Clearly such a prospect, if it can come to pass, would be a great witness to those who are not Christians and lead to many turning to Jesus as Saviour. In the Bible, it says that they (the world) would know we are Christians by the love we have for each other. This is our heart's prayer, that many will come to faith as they see Christians clearly united and sharing a common love invested in them by the Holy Spirit. Quite how you go about promoting this vision is not clear to us, but surely should be a priority for the international Church body. Do keep us in touch with any developments, and in the meantime we can pray about it. Our love to you and your family. In Jesus, D.T. & M.T. That's an ambitious but terrific idea. Jesus prayed for unity! Go for it. Yours in Christ, B.H. and E.H. |
We knew Howard for several years in Bahrain, before the family moved back to America, and have no hesitation at all in saying that as a man of integrity, I would have NO reservations in confirming this. He and Terhi have brought up two wonderful Christian girls who are a credit to their input and dedication, and of course he held a pretty responsible job in charge of the maintenance section of the American school ( I think this was your job description; feel free to change it as necessary!)
I would be sure that he will put in his best input in the current project under way, and trust that he has - and will - be led by the Holy Spirit in this really deep and necessary work; and to God be the glory.
Wow - keep us posted! God's blessings on you.
P.M. and M.M., Bahrain
I’m so excited, Howard!! The Lord has been giving me words about the disunity in the Body of Christ for 26 years. It was so very important to our Savior that He prayed about it in John 17. God just gave me a word that His true servants were going to PROVE they were His disciples (John 15) by the fruit that they bear.....and you are one of those!!!! Be encouraged. This is SO God!! I know that God called you to do this, and I am praying that you will persevere and not back down.
The Lord has come to you, like He did to Abraham, asking you to follow Him to the City that God is building. These are words calling people to return to the Lord. God is calling us to REVIVAL, and He is using messengers. You are a Messenger for the Lord. Go for it, Howard! Do not doubt what God can do in our generation with one yielded life.
It has been my privilege to know you all of my life, and I can say without wavering that you have always loved the Lord Jesus from the time you were a tiny child, and always walked in a worthy manner, therefore I am not at all surprised that the Lord would give this commission to you.
I actually share your desire to see the church united in a John 17 way as Jesus prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one. It is certainly a worthy cause and if the Holy Spirit is giving you guidance in how to proceed I want to encourage you to follow Him. I am very proud of you for listening for and obeying what you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to do--and also for testing the spirits to see what is of God and not. Excited to see what the Lord is up to.
Scott Puckett, South Carolina
I would be sure that he will put in his best input in the current project under way, and trust that he has - and will - be led by the Holy Spirit in this really deep and necessary work; and to God be the glory.
Wow - keep us posted! God's blessings on you.
P.M. and M.M., Bahrain
I’m so excited, Howard!! The Lord has been giving me words about the disunity in the Body of Christ for 26 years. It was so very important to our Savior that He prayed about it in John 17. God just gave me a word that His true servants were going to PROVE they were His disciples (John 15) by the fruit that they bear.....and you are one of those!!!! Be encouraged. This is SO God!! I know that God called you to do this, and I am praying that you will persevere and not back down.
The Lord has come to you, like He did to Abraham, asking you to follow Him to the City that God is building. These are words calling people to return to the Lord. God is calling us to REVIVAL, and He is using messengers. You are a Messenger for the Lord. Go for it, Howard! Do not doubt what God can do in our generation with one yielded life.
It has been my privilege to know you all of my life, and I can say without wavering that you have always loved the Lord Jesus from the time you were a tiny child, and always walked in a worthy manner, therefore I am not at all surprised that the Lord would give this commission to you.
I actually share your desire to see the church united in a John 17 way as Jesus prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one. It is certainly a worthy cause and if the Holy Spirit is giving you guidance in how to proceed I want to encourage you to follow Him. I am very proud of you for listening for and obeying what you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to do--and also for testing the spirits to see what is of God and not. Excited to see what the Lord is up to.
Scott Puckett, South Carolina
I want to support Howard Johnson’s plea and vision for gathering the body of Christ to seek God in prayer. History proves that all great movements of God began with intentional gatherings of God’s people to cry out to Him in brokenness, repentance, faith and prayer. The church in the west is in great decline and we desperately need a revival. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Over and over in scripture does God promise to answer our prayer and bless our love for each other as we come together in repentance, brokenness, humility and intercession. May God open our eyes, ears and hearts to respond to this call to gather together to seek His face and cry out to Him for personal and worldwide revival.
Craig Olive, Director of Global Connections at University of Florida To whom it may concern, I have known well, prayed with and served with Howard Johnson. He is a man of God, a man of the Word, a man who knows Jesus Christ and who wants to make Christ known among those who don't know him. Having lived on two different continents and being married to someone from a third continent where he has also visited, he has a broader perspective than some Americans. I have always known him to be solidly and broadly evangelical, and quite open to those who are different from him. I commend him to you. Howard believes that God has given him a burden for an international, inter-denominational prayer meeting broadly representing the entire church, seeking God's face to unite the church, praying for the church, even as Christ prayed, "…that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." (John 17:21.) Not praying for an institutional unity, but for a spiritual unity, one that only the Holy Spirit can accomplish. Wouldn't it be great if church leaders from different denominations and different branches of the church could unite in prayer that God's will be done, that believers in Christ would be seen by the world to be united and loving one another, such that the world would recognize that God sent the Christ who unites us, that the world would see that our unity is from God and not from man, that the world would know that Christ is from God and loves the church! May the Lord use this to bring many from all over the world to know God's love in Christ! I commend church leaders to discuss this with him. He is looking for some key leaders who will take this forward. Yours in Christ, W.L., California Dear Howard, Greetings in the Lord's name. I read your mail today. The vision is great to unite the Churches. We have conducted leadership seminars for First line Church Leaders here. The Common Disagreements are - Denominations, Doctrines etc., Power and Selfishness. I have seen Church group split into 3 or 4 small groups. Unity is challenging. . . . I am happy to note that you are taking this Vision. God bless R.P. |
The vision you have has been on my heart. Christ is coming back for his bride not brides. That means the body of Christ has to come together and function as a unit. As with our own body we consist of many parts, so does the body of Christ will have many parts. I think Paul explained it best in 1 Cor 12:12 -31 and he concludes this with "But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all." What perfect way to lead us into the passages on LOVE 1 Cor 13. Whatever we do we do it for Christ, not out of obligation or force but out of love. Jesus taught so well on love in John 13: 34-36 and it is that love that let the world know we are His disciples. I bless you with much favour with God and men for this endeavour, may you have abundant courage and faith to run this race, may you always see how big God is and how small the giants really are, may you never run out of grace and love for the difficult ones.
“Having worked in several strategic partnerships, I have come to understand, embrace and promote the foundational Christian precepts of unity and loving one another. Our Triune God is community, and we are all called to be part of it. As followers of Jesus Christ, saved by His blood, we become one family under one Lord. God’s call for the unity of His people is clear in scripture. Having known Howard and worked with him, I very much support his efforts towards unity. We have striven for this and I have seen the beautiful results of these efforts. The idea of coming together as a global body of Christ, in unity, to seek God in humility, must bring a smile to the Father's face.”
A pastor serving in the Middle East
May the Lord bless you in the leading you have received to call leaders to unite together. We pray that you can light a spark. Both the church as the collective body and individual believers face growing challenges in Western societies that seem to me increasingly pagan (and hostile) in their underpinning belief system. Unity and focus are vital if we are to withstand such currents and advance the kingdom. Time is, I think, short and amidst the shaking and falling of old assumptions and shelters, there needs to be a building together in unity (Ephesians 2).
Grace to you
It was very inspiring and I can only agree with all that you said. That Jesus final message only hours before he went to the cross was on ‘unity’ shows the importance He placed on this theme - a unity visible enough to be noticed, and strong and attractive enough to bring conviction to an observing world.
One of the Scriptures Father led me to study closer during this period was on this very theme in Psalm 133. It is about unity/community/togetherness. I wrote down some thoughts and have attached them. They may be of interest to you.
Trusting all goes well. Be encouraged. Believing Father has a plan and purpose for laying this on your heart. Look forward to hearing how Father will lead.
I am humbled to offer an endorsement to your calling and devotion to answer.
"For many are called, but few chosen"; you have heard that still small voice and have the conviction to respond in spite of the overwhelming challenge. I know you have heard God and do not intend to backdown. It is only in your utter weakness that God's strength and faithfulness can be demonstrated. Those with whom you have talked and prayed are convinced of not only your conviction but also the clarity you have in what God has called you to do.
You will have my continued prayer support for what you are doing.
Richard Lawson, Orlando, FL
So yes, I would support you in what you believe the Lord is calling you to. Heaven knows I am glad God didn’t give me this task. It is one which I think suits your Godly wisdom and prayerfulness. I think the very fact that God has tucked you away on a wee island for so long, where you faithfully did as He commanded is recommendation enough. You will take things carefully, a step at a time. Keep me posted.
One of the Scriptures Father led me to study closer during this period was on this very theme in Psalm 133. It is about unity/community/togetherness. I wrote down some thoughts and have attached them. They may be of interest to you.
Trusting all goes well. Be encouraged. Believing Father has a plan and purpose for laying this on your heart. Look forward to hearing how Father will lead.
I am humbled to offer an endorsement to your calling and devotion to answer.
"For many are called, but few chosen"; you have heard that still small voice and have the conviction to respond in spite of the overwhelming challenge. I know you have heard God and do not intend to backdown. It is only in your utter weakness that God's strength and faithfulness can be demonstrated. Those with whom you have talked and prayed are convinced of not only your conviction but also the clarity you have in what God has called you to do.
You will have my continued prayer support for what you are doing.
Richard Lawson, Orlando, FL
So yes, I would support you in what you believe the Lord is calling you to. Heaven knows I am glad God didn’t give me this task. It is one which I think suits your Godly wisdom and prayerfulness. I think the very fact that God has tucked you away on a wee island for so long, where you faithfully did as He commanded is recommendation enough. You will take things carefully, a step at a time. Keep me posted.